The smart Trick of Plunder Stylist That No One is Discussing

Wearing jewelry is an art. It can inspirit people with vivid sense of the times and give people a spiritual enjoyment; it can enrich the content of life and create a harmonious beauty.

In order to properly select and wear jewelry, people must take into account of their gender, age, looks, hair, attire, occupation, occasion and many other factors. As for unmarried girls, it is difficult for them to establish their own style, because they are changing all the time and the change is their styles. So the fashionable jewelry with brand names should be the perfect items for the girls. The exaggerated artificial jewelry, the simulation jewelry and the contemporary strong color gold jewelry are first choices for young girls.

As to young mothers, they should highlight the beauty of maturity. Although their figures may be not as tempting as the young girls, but stunning jewelry will add charm to them. Even you are a sophisticated and capable woman, wearing top-grade jewelry can add your sexy charm, maybe the expensive jewelry is your first choice, but you can also try variety jewelry with different styles in leisure time. If you are over sixty, the best selection for you is the top grade dignified jewelry; they can both release your nobleness and express a kind of exquisite beauty and wisdom.

Different dress-ups, different hair styles and different make-ups should go with different jewelry. In order to cater to the novel hair, jewelry should be full of popular flavor. When combining the jewelry with the attire, we should pay attention to the harmonization between the jewelry and the fabrics, color and style of the attire. People who wear V-neck suit or suit had better choose the thick K-gold chain. People with different personalities should wear different jewelry. In the era of popularizing uniqueness, the personalized and fine jewelry plays an important role of reflecting your taste and your uniqueness.

In the workplace, the jewelry should be simple, such as a delicate necklace is well accepted, it will make you full of the simple elegance. In the small gathering, you had better pay attention to the taste, and can try to wear the jewelry of glimmer of shining. The large brooch, and the platinum jewelry inlaid with precious jewels would make you full of charm. In the business negotiations, you should be dignified, the solemn appearance can make you be more trusted than usual, and then you had better choose a simple necklace or a brooch.

The jewelry can make you in high spirits if you choose properly and wear smartly. You would overreach yourself and undermine your overall image if you can not choose properly. Therefore, wearing the jewelry is an art.

You can look at another woman and think, she looks really great. Her outfit is perfect, her hair is stylish - she just looks really put together. But do we know why she conveys that impression?

Let's suppose we were to dissect her appearance bit by bit to see if we couldn't pinpoint what it was that made her look fabulous that day. Is that possible? Yes! There is a whole industry built around doing just that. It's wardrobe styling. Recently I met with a wardrobe stylist, not for myself, but to better serve my jewelry clients.

For myself, I know instinctively which jewelry pieces look best on which women, from professional experience and observation. Many times I can do this without even seeing her; after asking pertinent questions of the gift buyer, I usually know just the right look for her. I want to share this ability with you, so that you can use this information for your own look. In order to do this, I interviewed my wardrobe stylist and did some research.

Here is what I'm looking for and this has been supported by my interviewing the wardrobe stylist and by my research: By considering her scale, shape, coloring, and personality when selecting the jewelry she wears, a woman will look particularly well put together, even causing people to ask if she got a haircut or changed her makeup!

The right piece of jewelry is as important to an overall look as the right hairstyle, according to experts. However, for many women, jewelry selection remains a highly personal and mysterious subject. A woman probably knows what she likes in terms of the jewelry she sees and wears, but what she may not know is what styles specifically flatter her - or how to wear the pieces she owns and loves. When adding new pieces to her jewelry wardrobe, she may also not know what to take into account.

A woman's personality is key. She should always select pieces that reflect her own personality. There are jewelry pieces to suit every style and personality, ranging from conservative to those with a definite creative streak. The universal style categories, defined in 1995 by Alyce Parsons are: traditional, elegant, feminine, sporty, alluring, creative and dramatic.

I like to think I'm all of those at any given time! You may want to create a certain impression, such as authoritative, or perhaps approachable. Sharp angles, straight lines and geometric shapes convey authority, like a necklace with a large angular geode pendant.

Classic conservative designs (like small hoop earrings and classic pearls are highly professional and authoritative. To be more approachable, include colored gemstones or softer design elements like circles, curves and ovals. Pieces with movement lend approachability, like pale pink round freshwater pearl earrings.

Think of the scale, shape, color and your personality whenever you select jewelry. Over time you will build a personal jewelry wardrobe that will reflect your personal beauty each and every time! Your look will be put together and you will radiate confidence!

The exaggerated artificial jewelry, the simulation jewelry and the contemporary strong color gold jewelry are first choices for young girls.

Even you are a capable and sophisticated woman, wearing top-grade jewelry can add your sexy charm, maybe the expensive jewelry is your first choice, but you can also try variety jewelry with different styles in leisure time. The exaggerated artificial jewelry, the simulation jewelry and the contemporary strong color gold jewelry are first choices for young girls.

Even you are a sophisticated and capable woman, wearing top-grade jewelry can add your sexy charm, maybe the expensive jewelry is your first choice, but you can also try get more info variety jewelry with different styles in leisure time. When combining the jewelry with the attire, we should pay attention to the harmonization between the jewelry and the fabrics, color and style of the attire.

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